The Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz is happy to invite all the devotees of the ocean to visit its film festival celebrating the beauty of the ocean and dedicated to all the people whose passion for the ocean gave us a lot of opportunities to learn about this mysterious place on the Earth.
What is the festival about?
The major topic of The Ocean Film Festival World Tour is a cinematic presentation of the power of the ocean. During the festival, you will have a chance to watch seven films about the ocean, its creatures and, undeniably, the people who are contributing to its exploration and preservation.
The films that are going to be displayed during the festival include a great amount of narrations and interviews with swimmers, divers, surfers and oceanographers for whom the ocean has become their second home.
What films are included into the programme of the festival?
In 2020, The Ocean Film Festival World Tour will present seven films about the ocean to its visitors. Look through the short descriptions of some of them available below.
Deep Sea Coral Polynesia
Deep Sea Coral Polynesia will be shown during the festival in its special edit form lasting 37 minutes. The major topic of this film is the expedition to the South Pacific with a view to exploring the corals located in the deep layers of the ocean. undeniably, they are some of the most amazing ecosystems one can find on the Earth, and, needless to say, we will never learn about the without the help of the specialists.
The underwater footage you will be able to see in the film was collected during the dives made up to 150 m in the spots of waters that had never been studied before. The mysterious world of the coral ecosystems you will be able to see in this film is absolutely mind-blowing. Certainly, this will be a great experience not only for diver enthusiasts, but also for professional marine biologists.
Scott Portelli: Swimming with Gentle Giants
Although Swimming with Gentle Giants is a relatively short film lasting only 9 minutes, it presents a unique connection between Scott Portelli who is wildlife photographer and humpback whales living near the group of islands of Tonga located in the middle part of the South Pacific.
Scott Portelli has spent over twenty years on exploration of this species of real giants and have captured the ways in which these whales are behaving. The footprints of his experience is now available to the public in the Scott Portelli: Swimming with Gentle Giants film.
Camel Find Water
Another short film lasting 8 minutes which will be presented during The Ocean Film Festival World Tour is Camel Finds Water. This film is about the experience of Trevor who reconstructed the hull of an old abandoned boat used for fishing making it suitable for real exploration of waters. The destination of his voyage was British Columbia.
Bare Existence
Bare Existence is an excellent 19-minute film dedicated to the deterioration of the life conditions of polar bears who are experiencing severe problems with catching seals and staple food. Unfortunately, the steadily increasing temperature leads to melting of the ice pack without which polar bears have no opportunities for hunting.
Fortunately, there are many passionate scientist, volunteers and conservationists who are creating special groups dedicated to this special species of bears, for example, Polar Bears International. These people are doing their best to educate others showing them the ways they can stop the extinction of polar bears by making right choices in their daily life.
The Passage
One more example of the films that you will be able to watch during The Ocean Film Festival World Tour is The Passage. This film lasts 25 minutes and it is dedicated to one of the first teams who used canoes for their long-distance trips. The team presented in the film made their way to Alaska from Washington.
A corner of The Earth
Even more adventures are waiting for you in the film titled “A corner of The Earth”. During 24 minutes, you will have a chance to learn about the thrilling and exciting experience of Fraser Dovell who is a professional surfer exploring the brutal winter of the Northern world.
Not only does this film show the struggle Fraser Dovell is experiencing while participating in competitive surfing, but it also shows the severe weather conditions which make this sport even more dangerous.
When the festival is held?
If you are already feeling an urge to watch one of the films described above, you should reserve some free space during the week starting from October 14, 2020, 12:00 AM till October 20, 2020, 01:00 AM. The festival starts on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday.